Attention: NYC Families
NYC families! Have you signed up for an NYC Schools Account (NYCSA)? Visit and sign up for text and email updates so we can keep you informed about health, safety, and your child’s schooling all year long. It only takes five minutes!
P.S.19 -
Hi P.S. 19 Community,
For specific information on P.S. 19, please check Class Dojo twice a week. We will be sharing updates and it is the best place to reach someone. You can download the app or use the online browser.
P.S. 19 Highlights
Upcoming Events
NYC DOE Health Screening
NYC DOE Heath Screening Link (bookmark this on your phone)
Scan for NYC DOE Health Screening Survey
Class Dojo App
Please remember to download the ClassDojo app and accept the invitation for your child's class. This is the best way to stay connected!